Research on Impact of Catastrophe on Measuring Non-life Insurance Output 巨灾风险对非寿险产出核算影响的研究
The non-life insurance industry has been under pressure from a shrinking customer base as a result of Japan's ageing population, and a sharp fall in revenues and profitability caused by a long-term decline in auto-insurance premiums. 由于日本老龄化日益严重,导致客户基础下滑,同时汽车保险保费收入长期下滑造成收入和盈利能力大幅下降,这些都令日本非寿险行业面临压力。
The International Comparison on Non-Life Insurance Actuary Supervision and Its Enlightenment to China 非寿险精算监管的国际比较及其对我国的启示
They will be allowed to provide Chinese and overseas clients with all non-life insurance services in two years after China's WTO accession. 加入后2年内允许向中国和外国客户提供所有的非寿险服务。
Application of Non-life Insurance Actuarial Theory in the Management of Price Difference Risk Between the Retail and Wholesale Prices 非寿险精算在零售价差风险管理中的运用
Bayesian Analysis of Credibility Models in Non-life Insurance; Surveys on the Application of Bayesian Method on Actuarial Study 非寿险精算中的贝叶斯信用模型分析贝叶斯方法在保险精算中的应用综述
Three Japanese non-life insurance companies are considering a merger that would create the largest company in the Japanese industry and the fifth largest in the world by premium revenues. 日本3家非寿险保险公司正考虑合并,这将缔造日本最大非寿险保险公司和全球第五大非寿险保险公司(以保费收入衡量)。
In non-life insurance, the hypothesis of general linear model is hard to be satisfied. 在非寿险精算中,古典线性回归模型的假设很难得到满足。
The term "unearned premium reserves" refers to the reserves drawn by an insurer for unexpired non-life insurance liabilities. 未到期责任准备金,是指保险人为尚未终止的非寿险保险责任提取的准备金。
The Empirical Study on the Relationship between Economic Growth and Life Insurance and Non-life Insurance 第一荷兰人寿保险银行寿险业和非寿险业与经济增长关系的经验分析
On the tip of this revolution, there is non-life insurance company that treats pure risk management as a core business. 而处于这场革命风口浪尖的正是以处理社会纯粹风险为核心业务的非寿险公司。
Non-life insurance includes fire insurance, marine insurance, land and air insurance, liability insurance, bonding insurance, and any other type of insurance approved by the competent authority. 财产保险,包括火灾保险、海上保险、陆空保险、责任保险、保证保险及经主管机关核准之其它保险。
Choosing a good life insurance policy is more difficult than choosing a good non-life insurance policy because life insurance policies are not standardized. 因为人身保险单是非标准化的,所以选择一份好的人身险保单比选择一份好的非人身险保单要困难得多。
In recent years, centralization of non-life insurance market in China is quickened to descend, and a multi-polarized setup has become increasingly clear. 近年来,我国非寿险市场集中度加速下降,多极化竞争格局日趋明显。
The Understanding of the Developing History of Guangxi Non-life Insurance Industry and It's Present Significance 对广西财产保险行业发展历史的认识及思考
Study on Non-Life Insurance Industry Solvency with Corporation Size and Generalized Gray Incidence Model 基于公司规模和广义灰色关联模型的非寿险公司偿付能力研究
Evaluation of Operating Efficiency for Non-life Insurance Company in China: Based upon the DEA Model 基于DEA模型的中国非寿险公司经营效率评价
If the companies are insurance brokerages with practice licenses for non-life insurance and insurance of the person, the solicitor shall not register as a solicitor with any other company. 如为同时领有财产保险及人身保险经纪人执业证书之保险经纪人公司者,其业务员不得再登记为其它公司之业务员。
An Empirical Analysis about Discretion of Loss Reserve in Non-life Insurance Industry in China 非寿险业未决赔款准备金调整行为的实证研究
Research on Loss and Claim Distribution Fitting Methods in Non-life Insurance 非寿险损失和理赔分布拟合方法研究
Hence, strengthening research on the solvency regulation of China's non-life insurance industry has important practical significance. 因此,加强我国非寿险业的偿付能力监管研究具有重要的现实意义。
Combining theory and demonstration, quality and quantity, this thesis is the research on how to improve solvency regulation methods of China's non-life insurance industry. 本文本着理论和实证并重、定性与定量结合的原则,就如何完善我国非寿险业偿付能力监管方法进行研究。
China non-life insurance industry has a fair market performance. 中国非寿险产业的市场绩效良好。
As for insurance price, we need find better substitute variables to investigate its effect on non-life insurance consumption. 而保险价格对非寿险消费的影响还需要设置更好的替代变量进行进一步的探讨。
The increasingly intensifying competition has brought about immense pressure on non-life insurance companies. 保险市场日益激烈的竞争给我国各非寿险公司带来巨大的竞争压力。
Improve the regulation system to make a fair policy environment for the development of China non-life insurance industry. 通过监管体系的完善和监管市场化进程的推进,为中国非寿险产业组织的改善提供良好的政策环境。
Chapter one states the basic situation about the premiums receivable problem of non-life insurance company in China. 第二部分是对应收保费的含义和性质,以及我国财险公司应收保费的分布特点、形成、危害性等问题进行了阐述。
In this part, the first main content is composed of the introduction of presenting and development of reinsurance factor in Chinese non-life insurance solvency supervision, and the reality analysis are aiming at the weakness of reinsurance factor in the solvency margin calculation and solvency supervision. 着重介绍了我国非寿险偿付能力监管中再保险因素的提出和发展。针对当前最低资本计算和监管中在再保要素的薄弱环节进行了现实分析。
Assessment of the operating performance and solvency of non-life insurance companies depends on accurate evaluation of claims reserve liabilities. 在确定非寿险公司的经营业绩和偿付能力方面,都依赖于索赔准备金负债的准确评估。
Claims reserve is typically one of the largest items of liabilities in the balance sheet of non-life insurance companies. 索赔准备金通常是非寿险公司资产负债表中份额最大的负债之一。